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Automation – how it affects you as an operator


One of the main differences between flying manned and unmanned aircraft is that in UAVs the pilot is not in direct contact with the aircraft. Any contact with it is based on the Human Machine Interface (HMI), i.e. the hardware (Y/H) and software (flight software). As a result, the pilot in question is deprived of a number of sensory stimuli which are constantly available to the manned aircraft operator.


A simple example is the gravitational forces during take-off – landing – climb – descent – turn execution acting on a pilot and/or passenger of any manned aircraft. On the contrary, SFE pilots do not receive such information directly but only in electronic form via a display screen. 


All information such as the position and attitude of the SemiEAR in space, speed, altitude, battery – fuel level, temperatures, Warning Signals and everything else collected by the sensors of the SemiEAR are displayed on the screen so that the only senses capable of perceiving and preventing unsafe situations are vision and, under certain conditions, hearing. 

In conclusion, the level of Situational Awareness (SA) cannot be de facto the same between manned and unmanned aircraft operators. Therefore the pilot is subject to a ‘sensory isolation’ from the SA. 


Modern SFE systems differ dramatically in the degree to which flight is automated. The SFE is guided:

  • By hand (manual), using the control levers (stick), and with the help of the visual images from the vehicle’s built-in camera. 


  1. The control is partially automated, so the operator selects the desired parameters from the ground station.


  1. Control is fully automated and an autopilot maintains control of the Semi-Aircraft using predefined way-points.


The control capabilities of a SFE are usually not commensurate with its size. Nowadays, even small sized UAVs have automations that prevent the pilot from making critical errors such as the use of geo-fencing and geo-caging that do not allow the drone to enter or exit a predefined area for any reason.


A simple example of combined flight control is the use of automation with simple monitoring by the pilot during take-off and landing, while for the rest of the flight, use of automation only when required with manual commands to change direction and altitude by the pilot. In this way, errors due to the human factor during critical phases are minimised, but at the same time there is the possibility of additional control to avoid a mid-air collision with another aircraft.


Automation is an integral part of the SFE technology. What needs to be determined is the limit at which they should be used by the operators concerned. Automation that creates and augments S.A. is considered essential. Examples of such automations are Warning Messages either solely visual, or a combination of visual and audio messages.


One of the fundamental principles of automation is its rational use or, in simple terms, “when it can and cannot be used”. For example, it is widely accepted that the most critical phases of a flight are take-off-rise and descent-landing. The workload during these periods is significantly increased and as a result the pilot of an SFE (regardless of size and weight) must be more focused and constantly and rapidly check all the flight software indications. In the other phases of the flight the workload is decreasing. Particularly in flights without frequent changes in course and altitude, the pilot is likely to feel bored, resulting in an unconscious loss of concentration. As a result, indications that may suggest the possible occurrence of a potential distress procedure may not be immediately noticed, often leading to unpleasant results. These symptoms are particularly difficult to predict and therefore each pilot must remain focused on the flight data throughout a mission.


Also the introduction of Waypoints and the choice of Programmed Flight shall be considered prohibitive when a SFE is to enter an area where electromagnetic interference, whether intentional or unintentional, may prevail.


It is the sole responsibility of each operator to know the specifics of the automated systems of the SSEA in order to ensure monitoring – control on the one hand, and to intervene if necessary in case of malfunction.


In any case, the use of automation in SSEs should strike a balance between safety and avoiding factors that reduce S.A. or may cause unsafe situations


Risk awareness – a skill that requires practice


We humans tend to underestimate the risks and the consequences are sometimes unpleasant.  For example, a change in wind direction and speed that we don’t take into account can lead to a faster than expected battery discharge and endanger our flight.


It is very common for a pilot to dismiss (out of ignorance or deliberately) the risks due to a strong feeling to complete a flight that has already started, thus not cancelling the flight when it is due. 


It is very important to have clear operating procedures and to follow them. For example, you should always land the SMEA when the battery reaches a certain level of discharge and never exceed it. Something unexpected can always happen. 


We generally tend to be more confident when we gain some experience in a skill and this can lead us to relax the limits we have set and ultimately take excessive and unnecessary risks. If dangerous situations have happened to you frequently and nothing bad has happened in the end, there is a high probability that you will take even greater risks in the future, which can lead to situations with a negative impact on safety.


It is important to try to be aware of the situation during the flight, so that you can decide which is the least risky option to take. 


Past successes do not guarantee future safety, every flight is unique and has its risks and challenges.
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    Objectively innovate empowered manufactured products whereas parallel platforms.